Project Team

Overview of the current ProDaBi project team

Prof. Dr. Rolf Biehler

Project management

Didactics of Mathematics
University of Paderborn

Interests and fields of work: As part of the ProDaBi project, I bring the perspective of mathematics didactics - especially statistics didactics - to the table. Among other things, I am interested in fundamental questions of how school teaching can and should react to the spread of big data and artificial intelligence applications in order to prepare pupils for a world changed by this digitalization. In doing so, technical and ethical aspects as well as individual behavior in dealing with data, but also a critical understanding of social applications should be achieved. From other projects, I contribute concepts and experience for the design of teacher training and teaching materials and for related teaching and professional development research.

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Prof. Dr. Carsten Schulte

Project management

Didactics of Computer Science
University of Paderborn

Interests and fields of work: My work and research focuses on the philosophy of didactics of computer science and the empirical research of teaching-learning processes (e.g. through eye-tracking). Since 2017, I have been working together with the Didactics of Mathematics (University of Paderborn) in the ProDaBi project, in which data science and artificial intelligence are prepared as teaching topics. I am also project leader in the Collaborative Research Center “Constructing Explainability” with a focus on “Explainable AI”.

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Yannik Fleischer

Didactics of Mathematics
Research Assistant
University of Paderborn

Interests and fields of work: Since 2019, I have been supervising the annual project course on data science and big data in upper secondary education, which I help to develop, implement and evaluate. I also develop teaching modules for various secondary school levels (grades 5/6 and 9/10), as well as teacher training courses, mainly on machine learning with decision trees and statistical data analysis. We use unplugged activities, the interactive software CODAP, and Jupyter notebooks with Python. My main research interest is to develop a theoretical concept for teaching machine learning methods in schools with a focus on decision trees and to evaluate it in practice by using concrete teaching materials.

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Lukas Höper

Didactics of Computer Science
Research Assistant
University of Paderborn

Interests and fields of work: As part of the ProDaBi team, I am currently working in the field of data science, big data and AI on individual and social issues in the context of interactions with data-driven digital artifacts. To this end, I am developing the didactic concept of data awareness. To promote data awareness among pupils, I am developing teaching modules for grades 5 to 10 and evaluating the concept in various trials. I am also involved in the development and implementation of teacher training courses on data awareness in order to promote the transfer of the concept into the school context.

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Sven Hüsing

Didactics of Computer Science
Research Assistant
University of Paderborn

Interests and fields of work: In the context of the ProDaBi project, I am currently involved in the planning, implementation and evaluation of teaching modules and professional development courses for teachers on the topics of data exploration, data analysis and decision trees as well as the project course Data Science and Big Data. From a research perspective, I am interested in the perceived role of programming in schools and, in particular, data- and insight-driven programming. In this regard, I am involved in the (further) development and research of the didactic concept of epistemic programming.

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Dr. Susanne Podworny


Didactics of Mathematics
Research Assistant
University of Paderborn

Interests and fields of work: I develop and research the use of easily accessible interactive technologies in the context of data science and AI. I am particularly interested in how younger pupils can be introduced to the competent use of data. In the ProDaBi project, I am particularly interested in the CODAP software and the use of the food card game to introduce pupils to data and AI methods. For me, this also includes the development and implementation of suitable teacher training courses in order to transfer the content to schools in a practical way.

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